Simulations of two-source interference pattern

You can get some QuickTime movies of two-sorce interference pattern here. These movies were calculated with Mathematica and flattened. If you click the following pictures, you can get these movies compressed into zip files.
After expanding by Zipit(for Mac) or Winzip(for Windows), you can see the movies with Movieplayer. These movies are periodic, so it is better to set the option of Movieplayer loop.

Two-source Interference1 (QuickTime Movie150k)
Wave length=1.0, Phase difference=0, Distance=2.0

Two-source Interference2 (QuickTime Movie146k)
Wave length=1.0, Phase difference=pai, Distance=2.0

Two-source Interference3 (QuickTime Movie150k)
Wave length=1.0, Phase difference=0, Distance=2.5

Two-source Interference4 (QuickTime Movie154k)
Wave length=1.0, Phase difference=pai, Distance=2.5

Two-source Interference5 (QuickTime Movie154k)
Wave length=1.0, Phase difference=0, Distance=3.0

Diffraction by a slit (QuickTime Movie 84k)
There are 9 wave sources located from -1.0 to 1.0 on the x-axis (the red points in the picture). The wave_lengthes of these waves are 1.0.
This condition is almost the same of plane waves diffracted by a slit.

Diffraction by a optical grating (QuickTime Movie 158k)
There are 9 wave sources located from -6.0 to 6.0 with the distance 1.5 on the x-axis (the red points in this picture). The wave_length of these waves is 1.0.
This condition is the same of plane waves diffracted by a optical grating.

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