Kanto Girls league '98

3rd Nov.
Kwansai League

All game will be held at Bunkyo Woman College.

  • College Girls' League
    Nihon Univ. Seijo Univ. Keio Univ. Kawamura Bunkyo Ochanomizu Waseda WLTRank
    Nihon Univ. | 11/8 x 12-13 O 13-6 X 0-12 O 58-18 O 64-0 42
    Seijo Univ. 11/8 | O 19-7 O 13-6 O 32-0 O 48-0 O 60-0 50 1
    Keio Univ. O 13-12 X 7-19 | 11/8 O 7-0 O 26-0 O 35-0 41 2
    Kawamura girls Univ. X 6-13 X 6-13 11/8 | T 12-12 O 39-0 O 48-0 221
    Bunkyo woman College O 12-0 X 0-32 X 0-7 T 12-12 | 11/8 O 51-0 1221
    Ochanomizu Univ. X 18-58 X 0-48 X 0-26 X 0-39 11/8 | 11/15 04
    Waseda Univ. X 0-64 X 0-60 X 0-35 X 0-48 X 0-51 11/15 | 05

    - The Champion(Seijo Univ.) goes to The College championship tournament on 22nd Nov. at Nishinomiya (near Osaka).
    - The semi-chanpion(Keio Univ.) goes to play-off with Tohoku A&T College on 15th Nov. for the College championship tournament

  • Ladies League
    Mrs.U. G.S W.W WLRank
    Mrs.Unicorns | O 26-0 11/15 10
    Golden Stars X 0-26 | 11/8 01
    White Wings 11/15 11/8 |

    - The champion and semi-champion will go to the Championship on 26th Dec. at Chiba Marine stadium.