Date: Jan. last Sun.
Tadami-cho (Tadami Station on JR Tadami-Line)
It is the snow scene and snow festival if saying
As for the snow festival, Sapporo is famous but
the delightful festival to have been filled with
the warmness of the countryside by Fukushima-Tadami
is done.
At the venue which was decorated with huge snow
image, a variety of events are done.
There is an uncommon event, " the ceremony of the
exorcism ", at main night. It puts fire to the big
bonfire of several men who wore only a loincloth
have a torch and emerge and are called "ONBE" in the
venue center. It is the one not to begin a disease
for 1 year in case of burning rice cake in this fire
and food's there being.
Among this, the going out of the MIKOSHI and the
firework rally are done.