Nori's Live Cam in Sendai city
Kamo Izumi-ku Sendai Japan
(Japanese page)

  • Camera position: Kamo Izumi-ku Sendai Japan
  • Direction: North-northwest
  • You can see Mt. Izumigatake in the distance. Small birds sometimes come over to trees and the bait stand.

The image is updated every five minutes. Please make reload by manual operation.

You can see the time lapse movie of the latest 24 hours, please click here.

Panorama b Best shot

Special photos: A view in the twilight , Mt.Izumigatake in Fall , Mt.Izumigatake in Spring, Flowers of silk trees,
Mt.Izumigatake in Fall '09, View from Mt.Izumigatake, Panoramic view from Mt.Izumigatake

Mt. Izumigatake and the moon, Mt.Izumigatake2010, Mt.Izumigatake2010 Spring,
Koinobori and Mt.Izumigatake2012 Spring

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