(below) Perfume 'OMAJINAI * PERORI' at second time.
(But it became almost same as first time.)
(below) Another time they came out.
(below) I think that there was some name but it is ...
(left) After the stage.
At this time, we could get an autograph.
The photo is the time procession broke by chance
(for easy to take),
many people gathered at usual time.
I think audiences were increasing from the first time by each event,
so there must be another event (I wish).
For the reason, then, I thought to ask them about another one in detail,
if they knew, perhaps
(and I thought to wirte down here this page,
so that more audiences come,
but I think it is of no effect for only my friends know it.)
but I did not work out because of many audiences.
At the time when this autograph session (?) end,
I could wave to them in farewell.
I could not the time in previous events,
but I was happy I could work out today.
It seems that there are many photos of 'Notch', but this is by chance.